2024 Cheerleading Eligibility Rules (page 17 in the FLYFCL rule book)
Cheerleader ages are based on their age as of December 1st of the current year.
No player is eligible under 5 years old unless entering kindergarten and must turn 5 years old before December 1st.
Cheerleaders must be between the ages of, 5 and 15.
Option 1 -
Flag: 5-7 year olds
C Team: 8-10 year olds
B-Team: 10-12 year olds
Option 2 -
Flag: Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd grades
C Team: 3rd & 4th & 5th grades
B-Team: 6th & 7th & 8th grades
There can be no more than a 3-year gap between the youngest and oldest cheerleader for option 1. There can be no
more than a 4 year gap between the youngest and oldest cheerleading for option 2. This is so that is a child has been
held back, but is still in the grades required for option 2, the child may still participate. In an effort to maximize
participation, a team may carry as many participants as the team desires, providing there is ample coaching staff.
No tryouts will be permitted.